Happy Saturday! Let's make a disclaimer before we start this blog post: This post isn't pointing any fingers at anyone. This post isn't centered around subtweeting anyone or mentioning any person in particular... yes, there may be references to some of my failed friendships in the past, but it doesn't extend anywhere beyond that. And I no longer feel the need to waste time hating any of the people referenced in this post either, so don't think this is out of spite or anything like that. Anyway. Abandonment. This is something that a lot of teenagers around my age understand extremely well... I would say that they know this topic much more than the one they should know better... loving themselves. So what am I going to talk about in this? I'm definitely going to share with you my experiences and such and also attempt to provide advice on how to deal with abandonment. And, for the record, this is going to mostly focus on friendship abandon...