Daddy Lessons

Hi and welcome to another blog post written by Jamal Davis Neal, Jr.!!! Thank you for following my blog thus far and making it through these warm summer months to read another one! ;) This one is a little late because life is hectic and I'll give you an update on that in a second, but I also found this really cool feature that lets me keep the dates I really wanted these to be posted on!! SO let's just pretend that it's 7:00 PM on June 30th haha So anyway, an update on my life: I'm working at Abbott's a bunch and it's... ...alright.... I'm hanging out with friends a little less than I'd like and that's sorta not okay... The warmth is getting to me and I'm sweating all the time and that's fine :) this is fine I deleted my problematic finsta account for a VARIETY of reasons, some of which are touched upon in the first post on my new Secondary Instagram account @thepositive_jdneal. I'm really proud and happy about my Secondary Ins...