Love Drought

Hello and welcome to another blog post! Thank you for keeping up with me and my blog and for reading and for surviving the humid July days in order to read yet another post! I've added even MORE images for your reading pleasure!! First, as usual now, an update on my life: I'm still working at Abbott's, but tomorrow is my last day and I'm excited to spend my last few days in CT hanging out with friends and not worrying about doing anything else besides packing I leave for VT on Saturday for RA Training, and then Peer Advisor Training, and a little bit of UPB Exec Training, and then my last year at UVM!! I'm very excited to begin the year, do all the activities I'm doing, and see my friends in Burly again! I don't come home until October 5th for Nicki Minaj's concert and Indigenous People's Day Weekend so this is going to be THE longest stretch I've ever taken away from home. I'm excited to be fully immersed in my school environment, bu...