
Showing posts from August, 2018


Greetings and Welcome to the first blogpost of my Senior Year. Sorry it's a few days late, but y'know life. Thank you to those who have been keeping up with me and my blog so far, and thank you to possibly some new readers as I've met quite a few people this past month! Here's an update on my life: At the beginning of this month I worked my last day at Abbott's and was pretty happy about that. Along with that I journeyed back up to UVM to start RA Training! I've met so many fantastic people on the WDW/MSH staff and feel so lucky and blessed to be as close as I am to as many people as I am on the staff. I hope this year continues to grant blessings like these and I can't wait to develop stronger relationships with not only my staff, but my residents (who seem very nice and respectful), my family, my chosen family & friends here at UVM, and the people on UPB! Unfortunately, I had to drop out of one of my commitments for this school year, Peer Advis...