Hi! Welcome to another Blog Post! It seems that I've gotten into the habit of posting these later than I mean to, but hey at least I'm doing them in the first place! This post is going to be longer than most because a lot has been happening in my life, and I have a lot of feelings, and I have a lot to see about the particular nature of this post. First, per usual now, a life update: My birthday is a month from yesterday so that's pretty exciting! I'm ready to turn 21 and have my first sip of alcohol ever!! Can't wait! I also really love my birthday so, friends in Burlington and @ UVM (redundant I know), get ready for the Birthday DIVA to come out starting on November 26th ;)))) I've been really positively impacted by the amount of feedback I've gotten back about my last blog post. I hope that this one can be impactful as well. Thank you so much to all the people who read the last one and commented on my Facebook post about it I've started havin...