
Showing posts from 2019


Hello & Look at this quick turn around in posts! If you haven't already, please read my last blog post released a few days ago: " The 2010s " This serves as an overview of the past decade and is very much connected to this post because of that. Anyhow, let's do a recap of the last month: December December is always an extremely emotional rollercoaster for me, and this year was not different.  The month started off with my 22nd birthday on the 2nd- as I've said in a previous post, transitions are oftentimes difficult periods for me. Something that was particularly difficult about them is establishing traditions with new people- for me, my birthday is always meant to be a celebration of life. After being at UVM for the past four years, and having a tradition I followed with that, it was weird to be in a completely different place with brand new people. Thankfully, I've found love among the people I work with and so I spent the day in love and commu...

The 2010s

Beinvenue to yet another blog post by yours truly! Thanks for tuning in:) As always, a brief overview of months previous (I just realized I did October two posts in a row? Yikes) November November started out with an Emmaus Weekend overview! I was asked to serve the team as Chief Aux, the person in charge of the schedule and time on the weekend, and so we went over the schedule for the whole weekend.  On November 15th, I decided to visit Fitch High School and see some teachers with my friend Rachel! It was really nice to be able to catch up with these teachers, share stories of the last 4 years, and reminisce about my time in high school  This was also the first day of Southeast Emmaus Weekend #30! My first weekend back on team as an adult was an amazing experience and I'm so glad to be able to be apart of the community in an active way again.  Directly after the weekend, the then-Assistant Rector, now-Rector for Emmaus #31 in March, Charlie Plungis, asked me to b...

Love Yourself!: The Third 💖

Hello and welcome back to another blog post! It's a day late, but here we are. First... an overview of a previous month: October October was a pretty chill month, but there were a few things that happened! (Other than my phone breaking on October 22nd, and not getting a new one until the 1st :) which was an interesting challenge to deal with) On October 9th, I had a Doctor's Appointment in Groton, so I took the day off to do that and ended up catching up with my friend at Yale Divinity School, Heidi Butler. We enjoyed a meal together and caught up on the past few years of our lives. It was so positive and nice and I'm so glad to have been able to see her! On October 11th, I celebrated National Coming Out Day by posting this on Facebook:   Happy National Coming Out Day! Just a reminder: I identify as Queer (not sure what brand yet/anymore/right now, maybe bi, pan, we'll see, or we won't and that's okay) Additionally: I use Name Only, He/Him/His, or The...

The Middle

Hello! And welcome to another blog post by moi! Before we dive into "The Middle," let's first reflect on some of the past! October Like the first month of fall, a lot of my energies were being spent primarily on my position at Great Oaks during the weeks and at Emmaus during the weekends.  On October 9th, I had a Doctor's appointment and so I went home the previous evening and decided to make impromptu plans to catch lunch and catch-up with my dear friend, Heidi! It was nice to visit Yale's Divinity School, hear what she's been up to, and share space with her. I love her so dearly! In the first two weeks of October, I got the opportunity to run the election process for the Student Council and to meet my newly elected officers. I'm thankful for the ability to watch these young people grow and learn within leadership development. For the rest of the month, our efforts were dedicated to readying ourselves for Fall Spirit Week & Homecoming (More de...