Hello & Look at this quick turn around in posts! If you haven't already, please read my last blog post released a few days ago: " The 2010s " This serves as an overview of the past decade and is very much connected to this post because of that. Anyhow, let's do a recap of the last month: December December is always an extremely emotional rollercoaster for me, and this year was not different. The month started off with my 22nd birthday on the 2nd- as I've said in a previous post, transitions are oftentimes difficult periods for me. Something that was particularly difficult about them is establishing traditions with new people- for me, my birthday is always meant to be a celebration of life. After being at UVM for the past four years, and having a tradition I followed with that, it was weird to be in a completely different place with brand new people. Thankfully, I've found love among the people I work with and so I spent the day in love and commu...