
Hello and welcome to another post written by yours truly! It's the new year- in fact, the end of the first month of the new year and so it's time for another blog post! My dad, My brother Hassiem, and I c. 2000 Welcome to a NEW and IMPROVED theme!! :O I hope y'all like it! It's crazy that it's already the end of January! The month seems to have flown by and gone slow at the same time! It's also my grandmother, Ivy Ruth Idlebird Williams' 74th Birthday! Isn't that wild?? Whatta blessing to have 74 years worth of Ivy Williams on this earth. <3 It's ALSO been a year since I started my LEMONADE series of blog posts!! Wow! "Pray You Catch Me" was the post I wrote a year ago today. Anyway... as I'm sure you're used to if you're a regular reader- an update on my life The last semester of my collegiate career has been pretty nice so far! I got promoted on my RA staff to LRA and I'm mostly in charge of Staff De...