New Beginnings 2.0

Hello and Welcome Back to another Blog post de moi! Well... okay it's a few weeks late, but hey! I'm here. Originally I was late because life got in the way, and then I was late because I was focusing on other things, but now I just wanted to release it on my blogs 4th anniversary! Happy 4 Years to My Search for a Purpose ! As usual, an overview of the past month (or two, since I didn't include August last time) August Started out the month with finishing up my job with Groton Parks & Rec. There are times where I really miss the kids I worked with. I very much enjoyed helping out with the talent show on my last day of camp. On Wednesday the 7th, I made my move to good old Bridgeport, CT. I was pretty excited to move to a city with more than 100,000 people because both Groton & Burlington have ~40k. On the 8th, I went on a trip to Newark, New Jersey to attend the Great Oaks Foundation's annual event. I learned more about Great Oaks and AmeriCorps in...