Red: Life

Hello and Welcome back to my Blog! I hope everyone's 2020s are off to a great start. Before we dive into what this new series of blog posts is going to involve, I'd like to offer my usual overview of the past month: January I kicked off the new decade surrounded by love! Thank you to Liz J., Liz B., Mikey, and Rachel for being wonderful, supportive beings. Thank you for wanting me to be in your lives in this new decade. Thank you for being there for me. I love you so very much and am so thankful to have y'all in my life. The next day was my mom's birthday! We celebrated by going to Red36 for the first time and downing a couple dozen oysters between the two of us. I love sharing space, energy, and food with my mom and I'm glad that we were able to do that together. I drove back to Great Oaks the night of the 2nd back to our "new" apartments. There was debris everywhere which was not great to return to, but y'know- if every porkchop were pe...