Orange: Healing

Hello! Welcome to another blogpost by me! #SorryNotSorry it's a month late! [Life sucks a little bit right now :)] Anyway. February: The month started off really well! I have this tradition that I've kept since my first Youth Group Super Bowl party in 6th grade, where I spend Superbowl Sunday with people that I really love. I got together with my friends Dianne & Jessica to watch the Superbowl and to dance to a little J'Lo and Shakira I filed taxes ASAP. On February 8th we had an extra Emmaus meeting to prepare some elements of the weekend. It was a very nice intimate time with a few people on our Weekend #31 team. It was a little disappointing to see Community participation wavering, though. Valentine's Day 2020 was a great day. I started off the day finding out that I was accepted into Southern CT State University's Master of Social Work program! My first acceptance to a graduate school was extremely uplifting and affirmed my abilities to be a...