Yellow: Sunshine

Hi! Such a quick turnaround, but welcome back to yet another blog post by me:) This post will be relatively short compared to my other ones! But first: April: April was a crappy month! We spent the whole month trapped inside our houses for quarantine and let me tell you: it sucks so much! It was usually the same-old same-old: I have two tutorial sessions a day, so two of my four groups see me on Mondays and Tuesdays and the others see me Wednesdays and Fridays. The students are always more than welcome to schedule extra time with me when necessary. Fridays are reserved for Professional Development, as they were during the normal school year, and for Individual Student Check-Ins where we can choose to check in with whichever students we feel like need extra help, or just to chat, or maybe for an emotional pick-me-up. I'm seeing my therapist through TeleTherapy once a week which is... interesting. She hates it almost as much as I do. I've been searching for Housin...