Purple: Spirit

Welcome Back to another post! July The last week of June/First week of July was the first week that we had kids at our camp! While the original goal for the camp was 50 kids for the summer, we haven't quite reached that, but the kids that we do have at the camp have been absolute joys to work with. I'm very thankful to have taken this job for them. For some of the more adulty-elements, not so much... I survived living with Roddy & Rebekah's chaos for a whole month! :) I'm moving out tomorrow :/ Nickadeo came and visited for the first time which was very nice! It was cool getting to show him my home. My mom visited me in New Haven for the first time and was Too Much, but that's just her! :) I've been doing quite a bit to get ready for grad school! I'm so very excited and am continually validated by professors, fellow scholars (Shout-out Queer Group Chat!), my not-very-distant-at-all-future roommate, Will, and the pre-class work and seminars I've been...