The Beginning of Mastery
Hello and Welcome to a New (two week late) Blog Post! This post was originally meant for the end of September 🙃 so here's an update for that month: September: The month started off with the beginning of classes! Which is going to be the majority of this post, soooo details to come! I got to know some community members through some cool resources that YDS has to offer like DivOut, the Marquand Gospel and Inspirational Choir (MaGIC), and Yale Black Seminarians. I joined a prayer-and-just-generally-forming-community-group within the smaller, congregationalist institution within YDS, Andover Newton. This group has been such a joy to attend on Mondays! You know I'm still having my therapy sessions to keep me relatively sane :) I had an ordination conversation with my pastor, Lonnie. It feels really great to be supported by my church family in this journey that I have embarked on. Jane finally came back to Connecticut and we got to spend some much needed time together. I al...