6 Inch

Hello and welcome to yet another blogpost written by yours truly!!

Thank you so much for those who are following this blog closely and I hope everyone who is out of school (like myself) are having a safe, fun, and productive summer vacation!

Per usual, I'm going to start this post with the LEMONADE track that inspires it. "6 Inch" is the track that I probably least resonate with. It's good, hot, and sensual, and describes Beyoncè's need and want to keep on her grind and make money. I suppose I least resonate with it because I have not arrived to a financial state that I'm comfortable with, and my current grind(s) (school and misc. jobs at home and at school) aren't necessarily the most rewarding grind for right now.

The theme of this track, and part of the visual album is Emptiness. Yet another feeling I don't necessarily resonate with- I'm full of passion and love and have never felt truly empty. There are times, like with apathy, I have wished Emptiness upon myself, but have, thankfully, never succeeded in becoming, truly, emotionally empty. I'm okay with this, though, because I would rather be the loving and passionate person that I am.

Since I don't necessarily have something to say that fits with this LEMONADE track and theme, I think I'm going to use this space and energy to provide an update for my life.

Romantically: NO updates :) a lil Lonely :) But that's okay, honestly I feel very emotionally secure right now with my friendships and I'm not sure if romantic pursuits are important to me right now.

Physically: I'm disappointed still and will be for quite a long time. This summer I had plans to workout at Planet Fitness, but with the amount of time I spend at work, my Developmental Psychology online course I'm taking this summer, and the amount of time I want to spend with friends, I don't think it's going to be something I'm comfortable spending money on. I'm pretty active between all of these things, and while I would love to workout, I have no energy before I go into work and during my time off, there are a billion other things I would rather do. I'm excited to continue the regimen that I had going on while at school, and am sure it's going to lead to even more positive results!

Academically: Junior Year was my best year of college! Fall semester was better than spring semester, but I did extremely well both semesters, ESPECIALLY compared to my first two years of school. I'm excited to continue doing well during Senior Year and hope that Junior Year isn't just an outlier.

Career-oriented: Since the start of this past academic year, I've finally come to terms with the fact that I need to go to seminary school. One of my purposes in life is the talk to people about God, I believe. (What a revelation for the blog that's titled "My Search for a Purpose"!! :O) My religion minor has been the best scholarly pursuit I've undertaken, and I've found real passion with wanting to learn more history and theology associated with my faith as well as other faiths. Working with the Interfaith Center this past semester has definitely aided those feelings, as well. I hope that this fall semester will allow me to help install Prayer & Meditation Centers on Campus and I can't wait to work more on that passion project of mine. My goals for Seminary School are sort of in the air right now, because I plan to take at least 1 year off from school to work and live my life, and hopefully also serve on some type of mission project. My goal is to find what mission project exactly by the end of 2018. Recently, I've also been thinking about pursuing a Master's in Social Work so that I can become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in order to provide therapeutic family and individual counseling alongside whatever ministry I end up in. I'm excited for what my 20's are going to reveal to me as I prepare myself for post-undergrad.

Emotionally: Like I said, I feel pretty secure with my friendships, which is honestly a feeling that I haven't had in a very long time. I feel like I'm able to have friendships that can meet on mutual terms rather than the giving and taking relationships that I've had in the past. I'm glad that the people who are in my life are in my life and I can't wait to explore more life with them.

Spiritually: Always thirsty!! I'm considering exploring more Christian music to aid in my thirst for more Christ in my life. Christian music is a genre that I was really into in Middle School and in High School through Emmaus, and I feel like I haven't made as much of an effort as I want, and as I should to explore music that can both inspire and lift me up. I'm excited to add that to my life. I'm currently working on Vacation Bible School for the end of July and I'm excited to see how that will turn out, and I'm hoping to have conversations with my minister to really figure out my life. All in all, I feel close to God when I'm practicing patience, humility, and love, and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me.

Thank you for following this life update of mine!
I hope to get back to the regularly scheduled programming next time at the end of June!
Until then- stay lovely!!


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